Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Buddy and Me

WARNING : Sentimental "Mom-Blogging" Ahead

I really look forward to the weekends and am trying to remind myself to enjoy the time I do have to spend with Ryan while he is little. Saturday morning I was cooking up a storm, putting casseroles in the freezer, browning hamburger to use during the week, etc. while Ryan was getting fussy in his exersaucer. Something hit me that I need to just quit trying to be such a "maximizer" (word my older sister uses frequently) and just stop to "waste" some time being quiet with my baby. I put everything in the fridge, washed up my hands, scooped up my baby, and went to his room to read some books.

Ryan is able to pay attention to books a little more now that he can see the bright colors and likes to feel different textures. I treasured the time spent with him in my arms and ended up rocking him to sleep. He then took a 2.5 hour nap, allowing me to finish up all my cooking and even get the dishes finished by the time Adam returned from ice fishing.

If I had pressed on trying to get all the kitchen work done on my own schedule and just trying to keep him pacified and semi-happy, I would have worked myself into a frazzle and missed out on some precious time with my baby. Sometimes I need reminders to just stop and be a mom.

I really enjoy holding Ryan through church--singing with him and letting him sleep in my arms during the sermon. I even like going to basketball games and other events, like the Super Bowl party, with him. He constantly reminds me that I have so much to be grateful for. I love you, buddy!


  1. Good thinking Courtney! They do grow up too fast...enjoy every minute!! I am trying to do exactly what you talk about in your blog "this time".

  2. Good for you! I have a hard time with this, too. If I find myself in a quiet moment I try to make it last a little longer. I need to try harder to do it with Emily. Sometimes I feel bad because I get to the end of the day and realize that she's pretty much been shoved aside the whole day. Thanks for another reminder!
