Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl..It's about the food

Since the Vikings are the Vikings and didn't make the Super Bowl this year, my interest shifted pretty quickly to food over football. I started out the weekend feast on Friday at work where our office brought enough food to feed about 100 people. Since I was pretty busy last week, I made a deal with my boss that I would make a cheeseball if she brought the crackers. Thursday night I whipped together this football-shaped cheeseball in about 10 minutes. Full reciped is: Mix together 16 oz. cream cheese, 1 envelope Ranch dressing mix, a handful of cheddar and mozzarella cheese, then roll in chopped pecans and shape into a football. Scrape the remaining cream cheese mixture off the beaters to form the laces.

The remainder of the football and a few leftover pecans created a now round cheese ball for my treats at FPU today. I also brought PB Cap'n Crunch Bars. These are like Rice Krispie treats only you use Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, melt a little peanut butter in with the marshmallows and butter, and mix in some M&M's. They are one of my favorite 'travel' foods and kid-friendly. I also brought candy from work because the brand manager in me can't pass up an opportunity for blatant promotion of my candy.

After FPU today we packed up for Worthington to watch the Super Bowl with some friends where all the leftovers from FPU now joined food from the other 2 couples: pizza, smokies, and two kinds of brownies. We sure didn't go hungry!  The lesson for me here is that my cheeseball hit 3 parties, got eaten by people other than me, and I still felt like I contributed to each of the places where treats were required without me going bankrupt in time or money this week. Sometimes it's nice to just keep it simple!

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