Sunday, February 7, 2010

Two Dergs and a Baby

First, to explain, dergs is the plural form of "derg" which is the species name my sister and I use to refer to our canines. It's like "dog" but when they are being bad, it switches to the negative "derg". As in, "Quit being such a naugherty derg." If you don't get the logic in that, you may as well quit reading this blog because there is much more where that came from.

So my sister's derg came over to visit my derg on Saturday afternoon/evening so they (my sister and her husband, not the dergs) could watch Ryan while I made my first shopping trip to Sioux Falls since before Ryan was born.  Adam and I had a successful trip, picking up a few items, had fun spending time together, and capped the night using the rest of our gift card to Carnaval. Carnaval is a Brazilian grill where the guachos come around to your table and serve you all the meat you can eat. It's like the poor man's Fogo de Chao, although you'd have to be a pretty well-off poor man (or have a gift card). Adam enjoyed the meat and roasted pineapple, especially the pork loin and bacon wrapped beef.  I decided to forgoe the unending carnivorous offerings and went with the salad bar. I highly recommend romaine/spinach greens with a variety of chicken salad toppings with the pineapple mango dressing. There was also an excellent crab potato salad (and I don't even like potato salad). The salad bar has a few hot offerings as well, like soup, garlic mashed potatoes and steamed veges, which is why you can easily make a meal out of it.  We both left extremely full, but not too full that we didn't break out a bag of gummy worms about halfway home, because we're classy like that.

When we got home, my sister said Ryan had been pretty good...the dergs on the other hand...

These are the pictures I found on the camera when I got home, so let me use my inferencing skills to narrate what happened. (After all, I got 100% on the "Inferencing" Skills Book in Mrs. G's 7th grade class...that's right, the one with the gray cover...don't hate). 

They decided they wanted to get a picture of Ryan with the dergs, so first they got the two dergs together on the couch:

Then they told Milo to move out of the way:

Then they added the baby:

Then Milo decided she would do some rearranging:

For which she was scolded:

So they tried to put her back in place:

But she was pouting and wouldn't look at the camera:

Then she couldn't keep her eyes open (have you ever seen a dog blink when getting their picture taken?):

It looks like SOMEONE has to be the center of attention:

And it ain't this kid:


  1. I hated the "Inferences" skills book more than any of them. :op

  2. You're just jealous I got to like level J. I also dominated the green Cause & Effect book.
