Sunday, March 7, 2010

Crazy Guy

There are two more videos in the player if you scroll to the bottom of the page. The first one is Ryan in his Bumbo where he sits while we eat. We have to be mindful of what we give him to play with because he's likely to throw it off his tray (and into the chili) if we're not careful. He goes a little crazy with the rings.  The second video is in his exersaucer, which he is enjoying now that he can grasp things, pick up things, and play with some of the toys by spinning them or pulling on them. He also likes to shake it back and forth like a crazy man! I also posted this for some people who never hear him talk/be loud. Trust me, the kid's got some pipes when he gets wound up!

Another funny thing from today that I didn't get a video of is that when he woke up from a short nap in his crib, he didn't make a sound except for lifting his legs and slamming them into the mattress, on beat, for several minutes. It was kind of entertaining seeing how long he'd go--we could hear it throughout the house!  Tonight I laid him in his crib while I was ironing (the ironing board is on the back of his door) and I got to witness his "feet slamming" technique. I think he does it because it makes the puppy dogs on his mobile dance around! Crazy Guy.

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