Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Edition 2

It's time for another edition of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". The part of our show where Larry sings a Silly Song...wait, no, that's something else. It's where I tell you something good that happened to me today, something bad (b/c I'm a "glass is half full of good, half full of bad" type of person) and then show up a picture of some random ugly thing. Just play along, you'll get it. Or you might not. Either way.

The Good:
 I slept in until 7:00 today! Getting 8 hours of sleep is (unsurprisingly) refreshing!
The Bad: I was planning on leaving the house at 9:00 but after spending an hour on the phone fighting with Bank of America (since there is no way to contact Fannie Mae directly), I was an hour behind schedule and severely irritated.
The Ugly:

The Good: I got a lot of little things done this morning, like printing my annual free credit report, filling out the warranty on a chair we bought (then finding out my awesome husband had already registered it), stopping by the bank, gas station, and library before heading out of town.
The Bad: Of course when I am already running late is when I forget my Shell card and have to go inside to pay at the gas station and the guy in front of me has a debit card the cashier is telling him is being declined, so he gets on the phone with his wife and then his bank and tries to convince the cashier he just put $3000 in his account last night. First of all...sure you did. Second of all, sometimes it takes a few business days to show up in your account. Thirdly, you ended up writing a check anyway so why didn't you just do that right away since there were 2 people behind you in line?
The Ugly:

The Good: I actually enjoyed shopping for once and was very impressed by all the consignment stores in Rock Valley. Buddy Boy is going to be one stylin' kid as I basically bought an entire Spring/Summer/some Fall wardrobe, most of it name brand and all in excellent condition.

The Bad: Lots of clothes=lots of money, even if each thing was very reasonably priced, it is still a LOT of things! But all things considered, for less than $100 I walked away with 7 pants, 2 shorts, swim trunks and swim shirt, 4 shirts, 2 summer rompers, 4 pajamas, 6 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of shoes and 2 books.
The Ugly:

The Good: The show choir I choreograph (BH) did MUCH better at this competition and ended up winning 1st place in their class! I am proud of them for pulling it together in the past week and a half and giving it their all! I also got to see Sibley-O perform in 2A--they did great!
The Bad: Since Slagle Hall is STILL under renovation, they had to perform in a church annex again. During their last song, someone blew a fuse in the church (I'm guessing it's not used to so many curling irons being plugged into each Sunday School room) and they finished their song and reprise with no lights, microphone, piano (it was electric), keyboard, or bass...just drums! But they didn't miss a beat and we could still see since there were stained glass windows letting in sunlight.
The Ugly:

The Good: I was looking forward to a Pot Roast Sandwich from Culver's all day and boy, did it deliver. Yum!
The Bad: After some cereal for breakfast, the rest of my diet consisted of a gas station cappuccino, cheddar pretzels, Easter M&Ms, a grape soda, and a York peppermint patty, so the sandwich was the closest thing to real food I had all day.
The Ugly:

The Good: It was so nice out today, Adam took Ryan (and Nika) for an hour walk and they all enjoyed it very much!
The Bad: I didn't get to join them since I didn't get home until 7:30pm. Even though I had fun today, I still missed my boys!
The Ugly:

The Good: UNI won the first round of the NCAA tournament with a super-long 3 from Ali Farokhmanesh.
The Bad: They play Kansas next round.
The Ugly:


  1. I just absolutely love your humor!!! You should really write a book or something - you are very talented.

    By the way...we are looking for a name for Scott and my corporation we are going to set up. We are trying to come up with something with a spiritual undertone to it. (I was thinking HSD Inc - Holy Spirit Driven - but Scott didn't really like that one) - so if you are bored and that mind of yours can't turn off, we are open for ideas. ;)

  2. I was thinking I could really use a trip to the RV shops, but it looks like you cleaned them out of all the good stuff! My friend, Candace, was actually there last weekend.

    Glad to hear the show choir rebounded nicely. :o)
