Sunday, July 18, 2010

Swimming on Sunday

On Sunday, we drove home from MN and Ryan slept door-to-door (yay!) And then everyone voted yea that, yeah, I HAD used the correct yay! See #10.  After unpacking, we thought it would be good to stretch our legs with a walk to the park. I was excited to see we had finally made it to the park during the 3 hours a week the county museum is open! There was actually a lot of neat things to see, like a meteorite that had fallen in some farmer's field in the 50's, armed service uniforms from every war since WWI, a picture of Teddy Roosevelt when he came to visit on the train, and this:

After playing on the swings for a while, we decided to call up Abbie and Wade and invite ourselves over to go swimming and play golf. So, off we went...another trip to Hometown, but it was good since we needed to pick up Nika anyway.

This was Ryan's first experience "swimming" in anything other than a few inches of water.

He loved it! He also had fun splashing as we held him-it looked like he was trying to doggy paddle with one hand. We whooshed around, splashed his feet, and played in the holes on the air mattress. It was fun to see him having a good time in the pool.

1 comment:

  1. Yay on the yay! ;o) I about hurled after seeing the calf picture. Not good timing reading it I guess. :op Ryan is so cute kicking around in the pool!
