Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Nursery Additions

I've posted about our Orange and Black "Four Seasons" nursery before, but I put up a few more decorations, so here are a few more pictures.

I added the "R" above the 4 seasonal cutouts. I found it on clearance at Kohl's! I guess there aren't too many "R" names.

Here is the chair corner where we rock and read sometimes and listen to CDs and Ryan's crib with his name in frames above it.

The other additions I put up today were a "Ryan" plaque that is a tradition in Adam's family and two leaf hooks I painted. We've been in need of a place to hang his bath towel to dry and decided to put it at "mommy" height for now so he doesn't pull it down. Later, we can move the hooks down for Ryan to hang his own things up!

1 comment:

  1. I finally got Lincoln's cross-stitch name picture from Cheryl hung up last week after having it set on the floor for 2 months. Your super cute nursery makes Lincoln's haphazard room look pretty pathetic!
