Thursday, August 26, 2010

I cannot wait until Outsourced starts this fall on NBC

India: "Hello, Technical Support. Can I have your user ID please?"

Me: "zr2hyq"

India: "Is this Bob?"

Me: "No, this is Co---- Bo----. Barb is the another user."

India: "You are not Bob?"

Me: "No. We have 2 IDs, one for Barb, one for me. Check the other id: zr1hyq"

India: "Oh yes, here you ahhr. How do you spell your nehm?"

Me: "C-O- - - - -- - B- O - -"

India: "Okay, thank-you, Co---."

Me: "So, I was calling because we've had some issues staying connected. I've run several reports and it acts like they are running but then I get an error and it says it can't connect to the database, or it freezes up when I try to select more than one brand, or it gives me missing data handlers, or it says there was an internal server error but my IT guy says the problem is not on our end. And it's like this every day after 3:00 for the past 2 weeks and whenever I call you guys you tell me there is "an issue" and that you will add me to the ticket and tell me when the problem is fixed, but then I get a form email saying I was added to the ticket but never get an email telling me the problem is fixed so I go on the next day and sometimes it works in the morning, but never in the afternoon and I really need to work on some reports..."

India [interrupting my tirade]: "Ah yes, I think there is an issue. We will add you to the ticket and tell you when the problem is fixed. Thank-you. Goodbye."

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