Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to Randomness

Here's a little peek at things I have actively thought about or accomplished tonight in the approximately 4 hours I've been home from work.

  • Gave Charade clues to Adam to help him remember the name of the TV show that Tony Danza was on. Tony Danza entered the conversation when I asked who the Tony is that they sing about in the Minnesota Twins song right before "The Killer and Carew". (It's not Tony Danza.)
  • Gathered documents to refinance our house if we can get a lower interest rate and tried to calculate the chances of moving out of this house in the next 1, 2, 3, or 5 years.
  • Read half of where "The Wild Things Are" and decided I like that book about as much as Goodnight Moon.  I may rewrite that one as "Where the Chocolate Things Are" just to see if it will peak my interest a little more. Ryan didn't like "Wild Things" either. He's a bigger fan of Bendan Bear and the Gentle Animals. They're...tamer.
  • Wondered how my dog could possibly have to poop 2 times during a 20 minute walk.
  • Decided the next item I want to get from The Pampered Chef is the Double Boiler.
  • Tried to figure out a babysitting schedule for the next few weeks that makes me think being an air traffic controller at O'Hare would be a cake walk.
  • Sat on the deck during a 15 minute phone call, acquired 2 new bug bites and tried to decide if I was being dive-bombed by a cicada or a hummingbird.
  • Meticulously peeled and diced peaches, peeled and quartered grapes, rinsed and chopped leftover spaghetti noodles, and cut up cooked italian vegetables for Ryan. Then for my own supper ate a few bites of leftover spaghetti, the leftover peach slices, a chocolate ice cream cone and an Oreo. Do as I say, not as I do, kid.
  • Discussed how I would use a Smart Board in a trade show booth.
  • Sent a friend a virtual Kleenex on Facebook.
  • Wondered where the last 1.5 hours went wasted on the computer yet again when I haven't even started doing what I came on here to do which was to put some pictures of Ryan together to print for my grandpa who just went into the nursing home today.
So, off I go. So long from Randomness, USA, where the men have sock tans, the women don't wear earrings, and all the kids are in love with colanders.


  1. Just to let you know, if you wrote a book, I would read it!!!

  2. I love it when you spend 10-15 minutes meticulously cutting and preparing food for the kid and as soon as you set it down they scoop up the entire amount in one fistful and stuff it all in their mouth at once. What's the point?!? ;o)

  3. By the way...Tony Danza's last name was originally Iodanza. He went to college with my hs bball coach. He brought his yearbook in so we could all verify his information. (A trivia moment brought to you by...the boring facts that fill up my head)

  4. I hate to admit it...but you're getting weirder :D
