Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Reunion

Since I hate shopping under the best circumstances, there's less than 20% of me that wants to go shopping on Black Friday. The 19% is my frugal/maximizer voice that says "BUT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY". Luckily the detest shopping voice told my frugal voice to "Pipe down and go back to bed."

However, I did venture out in late morning to the mall...the Centre Mall. This is a pseudo-mall in a small town about 50 minutes away, but it is where one of my co-workers, Brittany, lives. She has a daughter only 2 weeks younger than Ryan and they haven't met since they were about 1 month old!  We met at the mall to have lunch with our other former co-worker, Steph, who moved to Florida last year. She was home for Thanksgiving and drove up to see us. After a great lunch at Casey's Bakery, we did a little window shopping, and made one actual purchase (see next post about Christmas decorations), then headed to Brit's to hang out for a little while.

The two little ones had fun playing together and it was great to catch up with Steph.

Here's Steph and Ryan a year ago at her going-away party:

 And here they are now:

Macyn was terrific about sharing her toys with a wild boy who about hit her in the face with various balls and toys/books he threw like balls.

 Ryan loved the rocking chair and a snow globe that played music.

Miss you, Steph! Hope I can come down to FL sometime to see you!

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