Thursday, November 25, 2010


We had an enormous Thanksgiving meal with Adam's dad's side of the family at noon on Thankgiving day. There was so much food we had to put boards over the sink for more counter space. And by "we" I mean I didn't help at all, I was too busy trying to take pictures of Ryan and Kenley!

I just showed up to eat (hey, I brought a pie) and eat I did..turkey, ham, stuffing, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, beans, corn, veggie pizza, relishes, jello salad, fresh fruit...and that was besides the appetizers, desserts and snacks.

Ryan ate a dinner roll.

The best part, of course, was spending time with family and seeing people we haven't gotten together with in a while. Here's a few pictures:

 Time-out to regroup during the annual "Nerts" game. I couldn't get a picture of the chaos of Nerts in action because I was busy leading my team to a solid second place finish. (Okay, so my team was just Adam and me so most likely I was following my team leader to second place.)  It is usually not recommended to partner with your spouse if you want to be on speaking terms the rest of the day, but we managed to leave our competitive card feelings at the table.

 Ryan loved getting to play with Aunt Kim and Uncle Andy again! 

 He also loved Christina's necklace (and Christina of course!)

 Here's a picture of all the great-grandkids that are age 7th grade or younger (there are 4 more but 2 are in Alaska and the other 2 are out of High School and had left by picture time...strategically I'm sure).

After all the fun at Adam's parents, we took Ryan over to my parents where he finally crashed for a nap at 5:30. We let him sleep through supper so we could enjoy our nachos, croissants and cream puff dessert (yes, we ate again) and then woke him up for a little play time (and "bookths") with Aunt Abbie and Uncle Wade.

We headed home late, enormously thankful for our families and especially for the bundled up sleeping baby in the back!

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