Monday, December 27, 2010

Minnesota Day 2

It's long been tradition for Adam's cousins to get together for breakfast the day after the Christmas party. We used to meet up at Nelson Brothers but this year we met at Sarah's new house for a homemade breakfast feast!  The four little boys had a blast playing together.

Ryan saying hello to baby Ethan. Ethan does not look impressed.
Ryan liked rocking him in his swing and the other little boys insisted on sharing their toys with Ethan. What good cousins!
Ryan + Malachi + magnets = Trouble

Adam's cousins are used to playing with their nephews and Ryan had a good time rough-housing.

We're just not sure he's ready for this:

In the afternoon, we made our annual trip to St. Cloud for Barnes & Noble, shopping, and picking up Papa Murphy's for supper. Then it was time for pizza and cards!

Ryan doesn't make the best card partner, despite his poker face.
We drove home on Wednesday morning and after hitting the lunch time rush in Windom, were forced to make my first stop at Hardees in three years.

This time to eat.

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