Saturday, January 1, 2011

15 months Old

Ryan is now 15 months old and is a lot of fun to be around! He is a generally happy and loud little boy who loves shooting hoops, chasing the dog, and making messes!

Ryan's vocabulary continues to grow as he moves beyond ball, books, socks and blocks to: no, dog, Milo (Abbie's dog), milk "muhk", car, get down "dit down" (directed at Nika), nose and push. Great Aunt Connie also tried to teach him "cock-a-doodle-doo" and it's hilarious watching him try to repeat it. He babbles quite a bit and experiments with many (loud!) screeches and screams.

He seems to understand more instructions now too. If you tell him it's time to take a bath, he runs to the bathroom. If it's time to go "nigh-nigh", he might run to the crib. If you ask him if he's hungry, he'll reach for his high chair. He can also give kisses on the cheek and point out his nose, eyes, mouth, and ears (getting them right about half the time since his favorite is to point to the INSIDE of his nose no matter what you ask).

His favorite game is shooting hoops or throwing any of his various balls. He also loves playing in Nika's water bowl any chance he gets which is whenever I can't stand Nika's whining for it anymore and give in and put it on the floor, then put it back up when Ryan discovers it. It's a vicious cycle.

He no longer tries to eat her dog food, but if he sees a stray piece on the floor, he insists on picking it up and putting it back in the bowl. He'll do the same thing at meals--putting carrots or crumbs back in the bowl if they are laying on his tray. Funny how he doesn't have the same meticulous nature when it comes to his toy box.

His favorite foods continue to be grapes, string cheese, applesauce, yogurt, ground beef, Saltine crackers, cereal, milk, spaghetti, bananas...and spinach quiche. But only fresh quiche--he's not as hot about the leftovers.

Ryan has also picked up a habit from his Grandpa. My dad takes a power nap everyday either before or after lunch, rolling out a rug on the living room floor, laying his head on a pillow and propping his feet up on the fireplace.  A few times after he finished lunch at my parents, Ryan has found the rug, rolled it out, placed the pillow and laid down his head saying "nigh-nigh".  It never translates into a real nap, but we think it's cute how he wants to lay on the rug after lunch...just like grandpa!

He's a great sleeper, usually taking a 1.5 hour nap in the morning and afternoon and going to sleep without a fight by 8:00. I hate to wake him up in the mornings!  We are truly blessed with an easy baby (toddler) who brings so much joy to our lives!

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