Saturday, June 18, 2011

Good Ol' Summertime

Saturday was the day of our town's "Good Ol' Summertime" parade. We found a great spot to watch the parade next to some friends and Ryan liked watching the "BIG TRUCKS." He even did well with all the sirens and noise--only getting upset when an old car backfired.

Here are my picture captions, starting in the top left and going clockwise:
  1. At least SOMEONE is excited to see some tractors coming.
  2. I hear a si-ren!
  3. Waiting patiently with Gabe and Tori.
  4. Picking out his favorite "frooties" flavors with Gabe.
  5. Waving to the pretty "Miss [Town]" girls
  6. Three candy catchers ready to receive.
  7. Wow! Lots of candy to pick up!
  8. It ain't a parade until you see the Clay County Fair float.
 After the parade, we walked home for a quick bite to eat, then headed down to the Beach House (the local drive-in) for some ice cream and to view the classic cars. It was a lot of fun seeing many of our friends, even if Ryan did kick a vanilla shake to the ground so it did a slow-motion ker-SPLAT which threw ice cream into the air, all over the stroller, and even in my hair. Oh well!  On the way back, we stopped by one of Adam's co-worker's houses and hung out with her family and with the new counselor (Adam's replacement) who just got moved. We had a great time and Ryan ran hard until 9:00 playing soccer, petting Lucky, and entertaining us all with his new favorite phrase: "Boom-shaka-laka."  It was a great "small-town" celebration and we're thankful for all who work on the festivities.

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