Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was so proud of how well-behaved Ryan was at his haircut tonight! He sat in the booster seat quietly staring at the big mirror and even let her use the noisy trimmer! He was in need of a cut so badly and my hack-job attempts at keeping his hair above his ears and out of his eyes needed to be erased toot suit.

Could we all agree that a trim was in order?
Ryan sat nicely under his penguin cape. He told the stylist all about his new cousin Saylor and about how he's going to have a birthday cake. When asked who might come to his birthday party, he thought probably "Gamma (my maiden name)" and "Milo."
 Getting all trimmed up!

Of course I don't have an "after" picture because while I was trying to sneak in a picture during our backyard soccer game, Ryan said, "No, Mommy. Phone in pocket."  It's humbling getting called out on cell phone etiquette by your less-than-two-year-old. So, just trust me in that he looks more like a big kid and less like a muppet who slept on its fur wrong.

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