Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pink Eye

Since this blog serves as a scrapbook/babybook/journal/record of illnesses to some degree. Here you go:

Sept. 12, 2011--got the dreaded call over lunch "We think Ryan might have pink-eye." Rush back to work, pick up laptop, pick up kid, find out we can't get into clinic in town but can call back in the morning (no, thanks), call clinic in neighboring town, get appointment. After 2 hour nap (Ryan, not Mommy. Mommy worked), drive to clinic, entertain 2 year old for 45 minutes (hello, iphone), get diagnosis, drive home, get eyedrops, get supper, see grandparents, get awesome books from Adam's childhood (love the book about cars where high-heeled and skirted mommies hold babies in their lap on the front seat while Father drives), go to bed (Ryan, not Mommy. Mommy went back to work). Raid breakroom for leftover cake. Find Peanut Butter Oreos instead (score). Go home at 10:25pm, 10 hours after leaving for lunch.

Sept. 13, 2011--Spend the whole day with a healthy-except-for-that-green-guck Ryan! Make muffins together, play toys, snuggle and read books, eat lunch, thank the gracious God in Heaven that he took a 3.5 hour nap while I power-cooked so my family can eat more than leftover hot dogs and potato chips this week, play outside, administer eye drops every 3 hours (on his own, he lies on the floor and looks up while I put them in--I attribute this to our phrasing that "only RYAN gets medicine for his eyes, NOT NIKA, only RYAN!", get haircut (I washed his hands, didn't let him touch his eyes, brought our own toys, didn't let him touch anything, plus it had been 24 hours since starting drops), eat supper, play with daddy, bathtime, bedtime (Ryan, not Mommy. Mommy is trying not to hyperventilate thinking about my inbox and tasks-yet-to-complete at work this week.) But, a personal day is a personal day, and I kept this one personal. I vowed to not turn on the TV until Ryan was in bed and to not waste time on the computer until night (recipe-hunting only). It was a very productive day and a blessing-in-disguise. Post blog at 10:25pm, so that 10 hours from now I'll have a permanent reminder that it was all worth it.

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