Friday, September 9, 2011

Nika's Kitchen Surprise

Quick story about Friday:
Adam and I hadn't really been on a date the entire summer (since our vacation to Hawaii was like a week-long date, I guess that counted for something) but we thought it was high time to hire a babysitter and go out for supper and a movie.  We got a terrific babysitter from the local college (whom we knew from our old town) and then had a delicious meal at a local Chinese restaurant. We had told the babysitter we might sneak home to throw our leftovers in the fridge before heading to the movies (can you tell we're Dutch), but we'd put them in the garage fridge to avoid interrupting her and Ryan.

So, as we pulled up to the house we could tell they had gone to the park so I decided to put the food inside. Good thing I did. I walked in to discover that Nika had not only gotten into the locked garbage can, but that she had strewed the contents ALL over the kitchen, including wet coffee grounds and other disgusting food items. I frantically motioned for Adam to join me inside and we quickly cleaned up the entire mess, then walked out the door right as they were returning from the park. We just said goodnight and went on to our movie and they were none the wiser.

I was just SO glad I decided to run inside so the babysitter did not have to deal with the huge mess our dog had created. This is about the 3rd time Nika has gotten into the LOCKED garbage and I'm about at my wits end of knowing what to do with her. There is no room under the sink for any sort of garbage, and we got the best kind of can we could without venturing into the $100+ range (which is outlandish for a stinking garbage can, if you ask me. At that rate it better scoop the garbage off the floor, tie itself up and walk itself to the curb on Monday mornings.) We might have to build a kitchen island for the sole purpose of installing one of those pull-out cupboards that holds a garbage can.

At least it was the only down side of the night. We had good food, watched a great movie (The Help), and Ryan loved the babysitter. Now if only we could control our dumb dog!

Edited to add: Here's a picture I snapped on my phone of another one of her epic attempts to get banished from this house forever. Anyone have a secret method of removing wet coffee grounds from light-colored carpet?

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