Friday, November 11, 2011


 Since we never had a 10-year class reunion and since one of our classmates was turning 30 on 11-11-11, we had an pseudo-reunion/birthday party at the new Sports Zone in our Hometown. Many people made 4-5 hours drives to be home for the weekend and it was a lot of fun seeing some old friends. The picture above is of Anne, Nikki, Stef, and me who all graduated together and went to the same church, so we've been friends almost all of our 29 years!

Anne and I were born a week apart and have been friends ever since! She was also neighbors with Adam ever since his family moved to H-town. So great to see you, Anne, (since I now know you read this blog) and hope to make a trip up to see you sometime!

Stef always has a big smile and it was fun to hang out again! A big surprise of the night was the re-emergence of one of our long-lost classmates, Greg! He was a ton of fun and decided maybe he liked hanging out with his old high school classmates "more than he thought" haha.

Nikki and her husband, Chris, and Slotey and his wife, Jessi, also made the trip home to visit family and to hang out at the party. So great to see you and sorry your spouses had to endure all of our re-hashing of HS events and silly inside jokes!

There were several other classmates and old friends there and we had a great time! Definitely have to do it again sometime and maybe we'll actually have an official HS reunion sometime...maybe we'll wait 'till 15 years.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see you there. Great pictures you posted! It was a fun bunch of people who came. We certainly should do it again sometime.
