Saturday, November 12, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Today, we made a spontaneous decision to try Ryan in a "big boy bed." He has been taking naps on a regular bed at daycare and we figured it would be nice for him to have a better mattress, a pillow, and some warm covers for the winter, plus it will be necessary once we start potty training and we might as well get one hurdle out of the way.

We already had a twin bed and picked up some white sheets, a black comforter and bedskirt and a guardrail at Walmart. We figured we'd just try some inexpensive that would be easy to wash that still matches his current room. If he ever has to move rooms we will just get a new set to match a new room then. When we got home tonight, he was excited to help daddy bring the bed up from the basement.
 He was super-excited the whole time we were putting the bed together and kept exclaiming, "Ryan's bed! Big Boy Bed!"
After getting jammies on, it was time to try it out. He insisted on rescuing all the stuffed animals from the crib, but I figure it's probably not a bad idea to have some buffer between him and the wall anyway.  One thing we did not transfer was his pacifier. He asked for it about 3 times, but we told him he doesn't need his "my" in his big boy bed. We said he could hug Catty or Monkey instead. I was surprised at how easily he gave up on the protest! This was part of our plan too to see if we could wean him off the bedtime pacifier during the transition and just get into a whole new routine at once.
After reading a book in bed, we adjusted the lamp and music, told him goodnight, and left the room. We haven't heard a peep out of him since then and so far we see clear sailing on both the bed and pacifier transition.
Tomorrow morning we plan to work on "Don't get out of bed until we come get you" part of the deal. Wish us luck! Now if only potty training were this easy...


  1. Wow--that's amazing! I hope it goes that well with Lincoln. I'm avoiding it b/c I'm scared Lincoln will give up napping like Emily did when she moved to a big bed. I hope everything goes well again tomorrow night!

  2. P.S. Lincoln wore that exact same pair of pajamas for exactly 15 minutes last night. I have pretty much given up on keeping him dressed and just let him sleep in the buff.
