Saturday, September 22, 2012

Football Game

Ryan has attended all of the home NWC football games this year, but this Saturday was the first time he was there through the whole game. My parents and Adam's dad were also there to watch and it helped to have a few different people to entertain him. He also entertained himself by running around, eating Skittles and a few other treats, and making friends with a 2-year-old nearby. After the game, he loves running on the field to meet Daddy but we have yet to get a good picture of them together.

Ryan is more concerned with rolling around on the turf, covering himself in field debris...
 Racing around the track (do not sorry, this 6-month-pregnant momma does not embarrass herself by joining in the the fun. I just wait until he's ready to go (or hiss threats under my breath that he pays no apparent attention to).

We're just happy the Red Raiders pulled out a victory!

However, there are sacrifices that are made when attending an entire football game that begins approximately 30 minutes before your usual naptime. At 5:30 that evening, you may look like this...
Even Spidey needs a nap.

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