Friday, September 28, 2012

Ryan 3-year-old Pictures

I had Ryan's 3-year-old pictures taken early in September this year and I am so happy with how they turned out? I had Hayley of Southern Belle Portraiture take them since I loved the newborn and one-year-old pictures she had done. Last year I was late on booking and missed out on having her take his two-year-old pictures since she was busy preparing for her own little guy so I had to take some of my own.  We took the photos at her in-laws' farm who are also good friends of my parents. I wanted a lot of red in the pictures to match Ryan's new room. He did fairly well during the session although he was obsessed with getting the little farm cat to come by him, so in most of these pictures, he's actually saying, "Here, kitty, kitty!" The ones with his tongue between his teeth is where he's saying "cheese," so we had to pick a word without an "s" sound! 

I am so proud of my handsome little guy and will have a hard time choosing which pictures to print!

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