Every night can't be good, right? Thursday night was a long one with the little guy up for most of it. He doesn't cry that much, he just wakes up and fusses when I lay him down in his crib. Oh well, I got a quick nap in at noon so I wasn't a total zombie all day.
This morning when Ryan was alert for his 1.5-2 hours that he gives us a day, I took some pictures in his new puppy outfit (a gift from the Knoblochs).
Then, I decided maybe we should put a puppy in the picture. Hmm...where to find one? Oh yeah, there is one constantly following me around, looking for attention. Here's one for you, Nikster.
In the afternoon, my mom, sister, niece, and nephew came to visit. Emily likes to call Ryan "Aunt Courtney's baby Ry-nee." For the poor kid's sake, I hope that nickname doesn't stick! It was fun to see him next to Lincoln, who is 4.5 months old. I also was able to give Lincoln quite a few clothes since he is just into 6 month stuff and will be out of it before we need it back. I'm glad we can exchange clothes, even if that will only work for the first year or so. Emily enjoyed playing with all the helium balloons we have around and managed to find and activate every gadget that plays music!

While they were here, I took off to go get an H1N1 nasal vaccine and run a few errands downtown. Even though it was a little chilly, it was great to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine! While Adam was at the FB game, I stayed home to watch the Twins destroy themselves and was up late enough to see it snow! This is the earliest I remember it snowing, but I think most of it will melt quickly. It was a full day and I think the weekend will continue to be busy, so I hope we all find some time to sleep!
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