Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Background

After spending literally hours (weeks?) searching for a new blog template, I finally found the EASIEST way in the WORLD to update just the background, which gives it a whole new look without all the fuss. Go to www.thecutestblogontheblock.com and just choose a background and copy and paste the HTML into a new "gadget" in your layout. No hunting for the in your code or getting all your widgets messed up! This will be so much easier to update according to the seasons (or my moods) and I am super-pumped not to waste any more time searching through endless templates that want me to use Notepad++ just to get my widgets back. 
The past few days have just been the normal routine of having no normal routine. The weather was great yesterday and I took Ryan on a 30-minute walk (sans Nika). I am not ready to tackle a stroller and a beagle by myself yet because there is a 85% chance it will end up tackling me. After a few great nights (enough to lull me into a "I got this" attitude), Ryan decided last night that 2:00-6:00am is his new awake time. The swing finally rocked him to sleep this morning so I went back to bed until 9:00. Adam is at a mentoring meeting all day today, otherwise he would be arriving home shortly to eat some lunch, roughly 30 minutes after I finished breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, you will be shocked (impressed?) to find that we now have only 6 cereal boxes in our cupboard. 6! This is a stark contrast to days of yore when I had 5-day-a-week access to reasonably priced grocery stores. I do have several other breakfast options--breads, bagels, eggs, etc. but I'm proud to have reduced the supply of cereal by at least half. Maybe my goal to use much of what is in my freezer while home on maternity leave will start happening as soon as we get through all the frozen meals I (and others) had prepared. Not complaining--not having to make something from scratch for supper frees me up to do all kinds of other things.

Like searching for blog backgrounds.

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