Monday, November 9, 2009

My Life is Average

Today my friend Michelle emailed me this website, thinking I would enjoy it. Did I ever!?! The whole point of is to post average things that happen to you. Who knew mediocrity could be so entertaining! Prepare to have a few hours to spare if you go to the website, so if you only have a bit of time (and if that is the case, why are you spending it reading my blog?), here are few of my favorites: (my own comments in italics)

  • Today, I saw a commercial for the Snuggie. I thought it was stupid idea but I couldn't change the channel because I was under a blanket and I didn't want my arms to get cold. MLIA
  • I grew up in a college town, and one Halloween our doorbell rang and we opened the door expecting to see trickortreater—but what was in front of our open door—was another door! Like, a full-on wooden door, that had a sign that said “Please knock.” So we did, and the door swung open to reveal a bunch of college dudes dressed as really old grandmothers, curlers in their hair, etc, who proceeded to coo over our “costumes” and tell us we were “such cute trick or treaters!” One even pinched my cheek. Then THEY gave US candy, closed their door, picked it up and walked to the next house. MLIA
  • Today, I received a call saying that my son had been lying in school, and it had reached a point where he needed to be sent outside. I don't have a son. That kid is a good liar. MLIA.
  • Today, I read that when NASA first started sending astronauts in space they discovered that ball point pens didn't work in zero gravity. They spent a decade and 12 billion dollars to develop a pen that would write in zero gravity, upside down, under water, on any surface and tempatures that reached 300 degrees below zero. The Russians used a pencil. MLIA
  • Today, my teacher told us we would watch a movie, and we all cheered. He started the movie. It was a video of him teaching. Touché. MLIA. (I told Adam to try this)
  • Today, I asked my class of 2nd graders why they thought Obama was elected president. Most of the answers I got were things like because he is a good president and because he will help the U.S. One boy raised his hand and said, "Because he's part Kenyan - they always win the race." New favorite student? I think so. MLIA
  • Today, I was stealing some ice cream from one of my roommates. As I sat down to watch some TV, he walked out of his bedroom with my other roommate's bag of potato chips. Right after that, the other roommate walked into the room, with one of my cans of pop. Without a word, we all passed the food to its respective owner, and went back to what we were doing. MLIA
  • Today, I was shopping at the mall when I had to use the elevator. There was also a young boy and his mom in there. The little boy looked his mom in the eye and said in a serious voice, "If you don't buy me ice cream, I'm never gonna give you grandchildren." MLIA
  • Last week I bought an old briefcase from a Goodwill for 3 dollars. Both locks were locked, but instead of trying to pry the briefcase open, I just played with the combinations. Today, I finally got the combinations right, and found a 5 dollar bill inside with the word "Congratulations" written on it. MLIA. (The friend who sent me this website once bought her daughter a ton of clothes at a second-hand store on a $5 bag sale. When they got home, they found $10 in one of the pockets)
  • Today I was babysitting this 2 year old girl and she was demanding that she had a glass of water with her at bed. When I told her she had to use the magic words (meaning please and thank you) she sighed and said "wingardium leviosa". I couldn't refuse her after that. MLIA.
  • Today, my sister and I were hungry so we went through the Mcdonalds drive through. I drive a rather old beat up car, and as we pulled up to the window to get our food the worker looked at me and sarcastically said "Nice car." Without missing a beat my 10 year old sister leans over the seat and said "Nice job." That shut him up. MLIA (When I was in HS, if someone said "Nice Hair" or "Nice Car" or whatever sarcastically, we would respond with "Nice Face", just as sarcastically)
  • Today, I was reading through some old newspapers and I came across a headline that read, "Manly Man Marries Fertile Woman." I read futher and the man was from Manly, Iowa, and the woman was from Fertile, Iowa. I giggled. MLIA (Funnier since I've seen the sign for Fertile)
Welcome to my new addiction!


  1. I really think you should post the 3 you sent to me! I love them!!! Thanks for the giggles today Courtney! :)

  2. I better not even start. I laughed out loud several times. :o)

  3. I tried one of them out on Adam yesterday--if you write 3.14 on paper, it spells PIE in the mirror. Mind. Blown.
