Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Shower

Sunday afternoon, we made another trip to Hometown for lunch at Adam's parents and then a baby shower put on by Adam's cousins on his mom's side (the hostess is in the top left of the photos below). Two carloads made a 4.5 hour trip down from Minnesota to come celebrate. We had a nice time, some cute key-lime cake shaped like a pineapple, and were blessed with generous gifts.

Putting away the gifts caused the maximizer/multi-tasker in me to decide to re-organize the entire closet complete with sectioning off the clothing rod with signs to separate the sizes (I've been to a few garage sales in my day, so I know how this is done).  The toys, spoons, bowls, books, and umbrella stroller all made me anxious for my baby to grow up so he can use all these things, but when I hold his tiny hand and snuggle him on my shoulder, I know the time will pass all too quickly and I will truly treasure this special age!

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