Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cake

Tonight was Adam's last consistory meeting. (Can I get an AMEN, brothers) so I needed to provide a dessert for their supper. I made an oatmeal chocolate chip cake for us last week and Adam liked it a lot, so that's what I decided to make again. Ryan acted like he was going to cooperate by being happy in his bouncy (see picture), but how quickly the tides change. The good news is this cake can be successfully made almost exclusively with one hand while bouncing a crabby baby in the other. I'm not sure what his deal was today, but it made it difficult to get my to-do list done. Sometimes I think my expectations are a little too high for what I want to get done on my last few days off. At least the thank-you's got written, the Christmas card got ordered, the laundry got put away, and the cake got baked!

Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cake

1-1/3 c. boiling water
1 c. quick oatmeal
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs
1-3/4 c. flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 c. chocolate chips

Pour boiling water over oatmeal in a large bowl and let stand 10 minutes. Add sugars and butter and mix until butter melts. Add eggs and mix well. Sift dry ingredients and add to sugar mixture. Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Pour mixture into a greased 9x13-inch pan; sprinkle with remaining chips. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.

This recipe is from my parents' church cookbook and is terrific warmed up with vanilla ice cream!


  1. When you mentioned that you made one earlier I got a craving for it and made one Sunday night. It was especially for Angie & Sarah on Monday since we loved it in college. However, since they couldn't come b/c of bad roads, and Austin is gone all week (and wouldn't eat it anyway) and it takes Emily at least 2 sittings to eat a 1/2 piece if she even makes it to dessert at all, I have been faced with the task of eating the whole thing myself. Luckily, I went to Kathryn's house for supper on Wednesday night and left a few pieces there.

    But dude, you're using Marla's recipe out of the new ARC cookbook. In the old cookbook it calls for a 12 oz. bag of chocolate chips. That's 1 cup in the batter and 1 cup on top. It's way better when half the cake is chocolate chips. ;o)

  2. And do you seriously "sift" the dry ingredients? I don't remember if I even have a sifter or not. It's probably way up in the top kitchen cupboards that I can't reach unless I'm standing on the counter.
