Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Office Quote Quiz

Sometimes, if it isn't Thursday when new episodes of The Office are on NBC, or Tuesday when reruns of The Office are on TBS, or 9:30 every weeknight when The Office runs in syndication on Fox 44, and I've already watched all the webisodes and deleted scenes on, I read quotes from The Office online.  I put together a little quote quiz below. I'll post the answers at the end of the week, so leave your guesses in the comments. Bonus points if you can explain the situation or episode in which the quote takes place. Good luck! And if you don't watch The Office...start.

Who Said This?

  1. She was young. Now she is dead, as dead as any animal that has ever died.
  2. It was on company property, with company property. So, double jeopardy, we're fine.
  3. All the girlfriends that I've ever had have worn glasses.
  4. Now that I think about it, Angela and Andy might actually make a good couple... but I couldn't do that to Dwight. Or Angela... or Andy.
  5. Andy, Dwight says welcome back and he could use a hug.
  6. Sometimes the clothes at GAP Kids are just too flashy so I'm forced to go to the American Girl Store and order clothes for large, colonial dolls.
  7. Small things. Peas, ball bearings, dimes.
  8. I don't think Michael intended to punish me by putting Ryan back here with Kelly. But, if he did intend that, wow. Genius.
  9. Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your boyfriend! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause he sucks at ping pong!
  10. Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most freighting experiences of my life.
BONUS: Thirty-one is humanly impossible.


  1. Courtney- love your blog. Ryan is so cute and I've always loved your writing. Miss you! I'm ashamed (or proud) that I recognize most of the quotes. We love the Office here too!

    1. She was young. Now she is dead, as dead as any animal that has ever died.
    -I believe this quote is when the bird flew into the window at the office and died. Pam helped arrange the funeral - not sure who said it though.

    2. It was on company property, with company property. So, double jeopardy, we're fine.

    3. All the girlfriends that I've ever had have worn glasses.

    4. Now that I think about it, Angela and Andy might actually make a good couple... but I couldn't do that to Dwight. Or Angela... or Andy.
    - Pam said this when Andy was begging to be set up with Angela.

    5. Andy, Dwight says welcome back and he could use a hug.
    -Jim said this when Dwight and Andy were not speaking to each other after Andy went to anger management therapy.

    6. Sometimes the clothes at GAP Kids are just too flashy so I'm forced to go to the American Girl Store and order clothes for large, colonial dolls.
    -Angela said this of course!

    7. Small things. Peas, ball bearings, dimes.

    8. I don't think Michael intended to punish me by putting Ryan back here with Kelly. But, if he did intend that, wow. Genius.
    -Toby said this when Ryan returned.

    9. Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your boyfriend! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause! 'Cause he sucks at ping pong!
    -Kelly said this when trying to harass Pam because her boyfriend Daryl kept beating Jim at ping pong.

    10. Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most freighting experiences of my life.

    BONUS: Thirty-one is humanly impossible.

    These are my guesses:) Merry Christmas!!

  2. 1. A.R.M. (AKA: Dwight)
    2. Michael
    3. Kevin
    4. Pam
    5. Jim
    6. Angela
    7. Creed
    8. Toby
    9. Kelly
    10. Ryan
    Bonus: Oscar
    What can I say... we are currently watching all the offices on DVD for the second time... just watched 4 episodes again last night!


  3. I had all the exact same guesses as Anne and knew the situations. I'm not an addict, but I do look forward to it!
