Monday, January 11, 2010

Status Updates

With my extended absence from this blog, I decided to summarize my time away in the popular facebook status format. Start at the bottom if you want to read it in chronological order. Start at the top if you are:

  1. psychic and already know what happened without reading the previous status
  2. don't really care about what I've been up to the past 6 days and are just browsing for any new pictures of my adorable baby, which I don't have
  3. like to live dangerously

Status Updates

Co Bo-Bo  apologizes for the boring post and lack of pictures but it's been a long winter week. Also, I will miss Conan at 10:30. Boo, NBC. Good night! about a minute ago

Co Bo-Bo is reluctant to wake a sleeping baby, but he's been out since 5:15, his one-eye-open-rolled-back-in-his-head is creeping me out, and it's time for a bath! Today at 8:11pm

Co Bo-Bo wonders where the weekend went?  Sun at 10:24pm

Co Bo-Bo would be okay with never seeing another cupcake again Sun at 5:27pm

Co Bo-Bo wonders why I couldn't have remembered to add the eggs to the cupcake batter BEFORE I poured it into 24 paper liners? Sun at 1:26pm

Co Bo-Bo snuck in some much-needed work on show choir. I have 15 pages to go but it's time to call it a night. Sat at 10:42pm

Co Bo-Bo has a roast in the crockpot and is off to Walmart in Wo-town, my least favorite chore. I think the double-return policy triggers my early onset WMS disease (WalMart Sickness) with screaming children and trainee clerks causing additional symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and extreme irritability.  Sat at 3:18pm

Co Bo-Bo is GLAD TO BE HOME! Roads weren't too bad but it is bitterly cold and getting colder! Never been more thankful for my electric blanket.  Friday at 6:21pm

Co Bo-Bo is thankful my mom's meeting was cancelled so I had someone to watch Ryan. (He was scheduled to be at daycare the last 2 days but daycare is 31 miles of ice and snow away). Glad Auntie Abbie, Uncle Wade, and cousin Milo came to play with Ryan this afternoon. Friday at 5:05pm

Co Bo-Bo is debating between sleeping in the same room as my noisy baby or sleeping on the waterproof sheets in the spare room my 3-year-old niece uses when she visits grandpa and grandma. Silence beats soft sheets. Thurs at 9:48pm

Co Bo-Bo is a little lonely...the only one left at work in my department since everyone else lives out of town. Wait, I live out of town too! What am I doing here? Oh yeah...crashing at the 'rents again. Thurs at 4:27pm

Co Bo-Bo made if off my parent's driveway this morning after Dad broke a path and busted through the drifts at noon. Thurs at 1:46pm

Co Bo-Bo is jealous all the schools are letting out early...looks like we'll be spending the night. Wed at 12:32pm

Co Bo-Bo enjoyed filled cupcakes from my co-worker because it was her dad (my old business teacher's) birthday. She made them with her mom (my 3rd grade teacher).  I used to eat these all the time with her sister (one of my bffs in HS). Last time she brought them it was her bro's b-day (we made him a card). I'm pretty sure I know their family tree as well as my own! Wed at 11:15am

Co Bo-Bo is watching the weather...looking suspicious. Guess I'll be packing a suitcase for me and the little dude  Wed at 11:15am

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