Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Team Conan

Just for the record:

Ever since college, when I was regularly awake/studying/snacking through Conan's entire 11:35-12:35 CST time slot, I have been a fan.  My friend D can do a perfect imitation of his head-tilting, neck-snapping, nostril-curling "Huh?" move. I call my son "Buddy Boiiii" in the same voice Conan uses. I love when Andy cracks him up or he genuinely laughs at his own jokes (I may have been been accused of doing the same once or twice).

Conan, I get you.

It's okay if 43% of Americans don't. 43% of Americans also:

  • will be overweight or obese by 2018
  • spend more than they earn each year
  • pay No Federal Income Tax
  • say that they think their household financial situations will stay the same as today
  • thought it was a bad idea for Obama to travel to Copenhagen, Denmark to shill for Chicago to the IOC
  • say they're on the fence about getting the swine flu vaccine
  • work in private industry and don't have paid sick days
  • would re-elect Obama if polls were held today
You don't want to be a part of that crowd, do you? Well, maybe the one about not paying Federal Income Tax. That I could deal with.  

Gotta go...Conan's on in 5.

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