Since we knew it would be a late night Saturday and we were planning on going to Adam's dad's church Sunday morning, we decided to spend the night at my parents. Ryan was one tired boy and went right to sleep. We stayed up way too late talking, but it was a very nice time and way more convenient than driving home, then driving back in the morning.
When we were young, my mom used to hide Easter candy around the house and we'd get to gather it on Easter morning before church. And yes, we knew it was my mom because if we were up late she would say "Go to bed, the Easter bunny is getting very tired and wants to go to bed!" How these candy hunts did not turn into a colossal fight among sisters, I'm not sure. Maybe they learned early on not to get between me and chocolate. After all, woven easter baskets not only make convenient carrying devices, they are also effective weapons when used with the proper angle, force, and motivation (again, do not get between me and chocolate). My most distinct memories are of the milk cartons of Rain-blo eggs that my mom would empty and "hide" all around the house--really tricky putting them on the piano keys and lining the bookshelves, mom! Then we got to fill our milk carton back up. I'd eat those bubble gum eggs one after the other until my teeth had a sugary coating (you're welcome, Dr. H family, for my dental bills single handedly clothing your children) and I had a giant wad of gum that created pockets of drool of the banana/peppermint/tutti frutti varieties.
Maybe once Ryan is old enough to 1) pick up an egg, 2) walk 3) eat candy, 4) not eat the egg, we will begin doing the Easter egg hunts for him. This year, all he got was a big smile and "Happy Easter!" and that's all he really needs to be happy. Just look:
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