We celebrated at his favorite Mexican restaurant in Storm Lake with Adam's parents, brother, sister-in-law, and my mom. The waiter went around the table taking everyone's orders and said "And for you, amigo?" to Ryan. :)
After lunch, we enjoyed some coffee at the "Common Grounds" and Adam headed over to line up while we made for the gym. It was warm and sunny outside but terribly windy! No pictures by the lake this time! We settled into the top section of the bleachers and listened to bagpipe music as the students made their way from the chapel, through the arch, and into the gym. We spotted Adam walking in!
The commencement address was given by Sen. Tom Harkin, who prefaced his speech by saying that a graduation speaker is like an Irish wake. You need someone in order to have the party, but you don't really expect them to say anything.
Adam was in the very front row, so we didn't have to wait long until they announced his name, hooded him, and gave him his diploma.

Then we waited for about 700 other names to be read and diplomas handed out. I think my mom was the most prepared of all of us for this portion of the ceremony.
Ryan did great through most of the ceremony. He spent a little time like this:
...but perked up once it officially started and played on grandpa and grandma's laps or rocked in my arms for the whole thing. He sure was a trooper!
After the ceremony, we met on the lawn and tried for a few family pictures. It was quite sunny and as you can tell, I did not have my camera settings correct, but at least we captured the memory (and I'm hoping the ones on Sue's camera turned out better).
Ryan is sure proud of his daddy!
And I am too!
You're our number one Beaver.
My sister graduated from BV that same day AND they went to their favorite Mexican restaraunt as well. Anyway, small world. Congrats Adam!!
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