Thursday, September 2, 2010

Clean Up in Aisle 8

On the way home tonight, Ryan and I had to pick up a few necessities at Hy-Vee (like Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn and M&Ms.  This becomes a necessity when there is a $1.25 off if you buy both coupon, plus M&M's were down to my $2.50 "buy" threshold. Another tip--you get 10% more candy if you buy the bag of regular colors instead of the Harvest mix.)

Despite the late hour, Ryan was pretty cooperative, sitting quietly in the front of the shopping cart while holding eating the sale flyer. We got to the baby food and I started loading my cart 2 jars at a time, as usual. As I turned to deliberate on which smell would make me want to puke less-Spinach & Carrots or Broccoli & Chicken, I suddenly heard a *cRaSH* behind me. I turned back to find that Ryan had stretched the seatbelt, reached over the wire divider, stretched as far as he could reach, and picked up a glass jar of Sweet Peas and then thrown it to the floor. Where it shattered. Oh heavens.

I decided we were officially finished shopping, bee-lined it for the checkouts, and told the most official looking person there that my son had just dropped a jar in the baby food aisle and that I would most certainly pay for it, but could they send someone over to clean up the broken glass?  The lady was MOST gracious and assured me it was no problem, they would take care of it, and there was no charge.

So cheers, Hy-Vee, for not making me feel/look like the frazzled mom I was with an out-of-control baby reeking havoc in your fine store. Next time I will surely remember to block little hands from breakable jars with a giant box of Special K.

And I'm pretty sure I won't be taking Ryan to see this display:

1 comment:

  1. We usually tie the kids up and put them in the bottom part of the cart...near the wheel that doesn't turn because there is a giant gum/hair/lint conglomeration stuck in it. Sure gets the stares, but our groceries are always safe from their grubby paws, plus they can't reach any of the candy/lighters/playing cards/US Weekly items in the checkout line.
