Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Kid's Not Going to Go Naked

After a less-than-stellar start, I finally hit the Fall Garage Sale Season Jackpot! My mom was still on a walk with Ryan when I left the office, so I decided to hit up one last sale solo. I'd had some luck at this place last Spring but now that I have a better idea of sizes/seasons and one mom decided to let go of some more "memories" and sell all her boys' stuff, I could really dig in.  Here's some pictures of Ryan's new fall/winter wardrobe:

Six Shirts

2 khakis from Children's Place, 1 Old Navy jeans

Old Navy fleece, 3 pairs sweat/sports pants

2 preppy Sunday outfits

Iowa pants and jacket, 2 footballs, basketball and hoop

Christmas PJs, Blocks set, 2 velcro shoes, 1 Sunday shoes

All for less than $40!

Have I mentioned how much I love garage sales? I know a few of the clothes look like they've been worn/washed before, but they're going to look like that after one washing anyway! These prices were better than even second hand stores and ever since I went to the new upper level of NNT in RV, I'm not sure I can go back. The floors are slanted so bad it feels like you're in the Arnold's Park fun house! I was sick for at least 2 hours after leaving the store. It's too bad because otherwise I love how the store is organized and decorated. But I'll stick to garage sales where I can get tons of clothes (and toys!) for little money and where the floors may be cement...but at least they're level!

P.S. If you know the town I work in (my hometown), this sale is on the East end of Third Street-you'll see signs! Great clothes and great prices!


  1. Can't imagine why anyone would want to part with filthy Hawkeye clothes...I hope I never see Ryan wear them. I am a mandatory reporter, you know.

  2. Jackpot! I wish I could have come with you, although we'd probably have to fight over the boys clothes. ;o) I've had a bit of a panic attack with the suddenly cooler weather. At least I finally have a coat for Emily and shoes & socks for both!
