Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th of July weekend! We took advantage of the long weekend by mostly staying home and relaxing. Adam did some golfing, Ryan and I did some swimming in Abbie's pool, and we had a nice Sunday with my parents. On the actual holiday, Ryan and I started off with a dip in the pool followed by lots of golf and water table fun at my parent's. After a good nap, we headed back to our old town for a fish fry with friends.

Ryan had a great time playing golf and soccer with his friends and trying out their awesome sandbox and other outdoor toys.
He also tried out a trampoline for the first time and I think you'll see on the video that he enjoyed it very much!

We headed home before fireworks, but felt we had a first-rate 4th of July experience complete with hot dogs, watermelon, and time spent with family and friends! God Bless America!

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