Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hut, Hut, Hike!

Tonight Ryan and I took a walk down to the nursing home to visit with my grandpa. It was a nice night so he could sit outside with us while Ryan was entertained by: the fake deer in the rock garden, the ramp that is perfect for his toy car, sticks, scolding Nika for wandering away too far, emptying everything out of the diaper bag, the gliding benches, rocks, and his football!  We played catch for a little while and when I pulled out my camera to take a picture, it was accidentally on video. So, it was pure accident that I captured this little football highlight! (Sorry it's sideways)

When we were getting ready to leave, I asked Ryan if he wanted to say good-bye to Great-Grandpa and he ran over him and gave him a hug.

Afterwards, we walked a while longer with my mom to get Nika good and tired out. There are sure some great perks to living in the same town as my family, even if it is only temporary.

NOTE: I have added several new posts, some of them out-of-order, so if you are so inclined and don't want to miss pictures of Ryan dunking in a sombrero, for instance, keep scrolling down or use the sidebar to go back to June 22. Blogging may be on hiatus for a while during the move (which will begin in T minus 2 days) but you should be used to my sporadicality by now, not to mention my uncanny ability to create new words.

1 comment:

  1. You had a busy blogging night, too! Some super cute pictures. Good luck with the big move this weekend!
