Cohen's favorite habit right now is throwing...everything. Food, bowls, balls, toys, shoes...everything. He has a few favorite indoor toys-a noisy wooden push toy, basketball hoop, popping ball piano, and marbles. He is getting a few molars in and doesn't have too much trouble eating anything he wants. He has gained a few consistent words. When I'm dressing him in the morning and he hears Adam come up from the shower, he'll whisper "Dah-Dah" and then go find him. He calls Ryan "Ry-Ry" and calls for him down the stairs if he's not around. He says "ball" and "my ball" and "nack" for Snack. He attempts several other words and we know he understands a lot of what we say. He also points to several animals/objects in books if we ask him to find something, so we're building word association. I was excited the other day when he was pointing from his crib saying "Mama! Mama!" but unfortunately, he was just pointing to his favorite "Llama Llama" book.

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