He still has a big interest in science and nature and we love the variety of Usborne and other science books available at the library. Next month we are going to be starting the "1000 books by Kindergarten" program through the local library. Even though I'm fairly certain we've already attained this goal, it will be fun to see if we can do it again before he enters school next Fall. He is also starting to understand math concepts and can do basic addition and subtraction word problems (usually using his fingers to help). A few books we've liked for this include Bedtime Math and Usbrone's First Picture Math, but I would only recommend if they are showing an interest and asking questions--don't force it!
He is also into imaginative play with various figures, usually involving the Angry Birds from his Knock on Wood game and characters from Jake and the Neverland Pirates (although he never chooses to watch the show anymore). Sometimes his DC Super Hero friends also get involved. He also likes to put the Angry Birds into various vehicles (Batmobile, Spiderman car, etc.) to create his own "Angry Birds Go!" characters. (Disclaimer: These are Amazon affiliate links, but I just wanted a good reference for what toys an almost-5-year-old boy is into, in case this helps anyone else, too).

He is growing a lot and seems to be pretty tall for his age. He had a checkup this month before preschool and is in the 92% (46.25") for height and 87% for weight (45.5 lbs). He wears many size 4 clothes yet in shorts and tees, but needs size 5 for pants and sleeves to be long enough. He is also just getting into size 12 shoes. He's not terribly picky on clothes and will get dressed in whatever we've laid out the night before. But, I do have to take him shopping to try things on or ask his opinion when ordering online now. Thankfully, he loved the pajamas I got him after my Boston trip--guess you can't go wrong with Batman!
Ryan is looking forward to preschool starting, football concession stands, Pumpkin Land, and his birthday only 1 month away!
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