Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ryan's Books

Ryan is now 5 years, 5 months. I haven't done consistent monthly updates because he rarely wants his picture taken and the changes don't seem as dramatic month-to-month now that he's 5. Lately, he's been very into calendars--we have a calendar where he marks down letters/symbols for what is happening each day (preschool, daycare, Grandma day, Mommy/Daddy day, church, special events). He marks off the days and is starting to understand weeks/months/seasons, etc. He is getting very anxious for Spring and warmer weather.

I have noticed that he is into similar things that my niece (also a first born) were into at about the same age. He wants to write/draw elaborate stories, put on performances with scenery and puppets, and comes up with ideas to throw a "fun-time party", makes invitations, and starts inviting other kids to it. (Sound familiar, Megan?)

I thought it would be fun to publish some of his "books" so he/we can look back later and see his progression. These books are usually created independently by him--stapling or taping pages together, then drawing all the pictures, and finally dictating exactly what we need to write on each page. It is fun to see him start drawing imaginary scenes and storylines instead of the standard house/flowers/people.

Ryan's Super Adventure

(He's holding a flashlight)

(this is my favorite page)

My Favorite Book 

(drawn shortly after Avonlea was born--she is the purple stick person lying down)

(we have a purple case on our ipad)

(This is chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and a cherry on top. He told me he doesn't actually like cherries on his ice cream, but he thought it needed one.)

(I like how all these colors are accurate)

Ant Farm

Navy Knights

Ryan created the scenery for a play, then helped pick out "color page" images from the computer that we could print. He colored them and put them on pencils, then performed an original play for us.

Watch the video of his play.

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