Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Twins Win!

Ryan (and I) had a much better night last night. He only woke up three times to eat and Adam got up with him two other times to change/rock him. What a blessing! I spent a good part of the day sorting through clothes. We received several bags of clothes from another Jr. High football coach and his wife and we've received lots of gifts. I sorted them into sizes and sewed a line of black thread into each tag to mark them. Someone told me that many second hand stores don't accept clothing that has writing on the tag, so I'm trying to just hand-sew in a mark that I can easily remove if I decide to consign the clothes sometime down the road. I think we have PLENTY of clothes...this picture is when I was about 3/4 done sewing and doesn't show any of the clothes we are borrowing from my nephew.
After Adam's football game tonight, he came home in time to watch the 12-inning Twins game. He was SO happy they pulled it out over the Tigers and are Division Champs! Ryan also enjoyed the baseball game with Dad.
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