Saturday was a jam-packed day. Adam was at school by 5:00am to get some things done before he left for football prep a/k/a "Amazing Breakfast" by 8:00. Ryan and I took off by 8:10 so he could spend the morning with my mom while I had my first Show Choir rehearsal of the year. I was very nervous because I am SO not in shape to be dancing/talking for hours on end and last year I almost fainted from what I later figured out to be dehydration. For athletes out there (or anyone who hasn't been a part of one of my show choir "bootcamps"), it may seem silly, but I strategically starting hydrating all day Friday. I felt so much better after drinking at least 64 oz. on Friday and about 48oz. during our 4-hour rehearsal. I lasted a lot better than I thought and am happy with the progress we made, although it's sad how sore my quads and arms were for the next few days!
Right after rehearsal, Ryan and I came back to town to change and head to the NWC game. This game went much better than last week and Raiders had a great win over Doane! Ryan loved running around the field and track after the game, but then we headed home to get ready for the next big thing.
Adam and I headed to the Clay County Fair since I had received tickets to the fair and the Casting Crowns concert from the owner of my company. We checked out the fair food (hot wings are recommended, pork tenderloin is not) and wondered where many of these fair-goers can be found the rest of the year (I was told Spencer Walmart is the best correlation). We enjoyed both Britt Nicole and Casting Crowns at the concert and headed out during the fireworks, getting home by 11:30. Ryan had a fun night with Juliana. I think we were all ready for bed!
He also picked up a ladybug and was disappointed when it flew away, but assured me that it "would be happier to go home to his mommy and daddy and sister ladybug." I am liking the cooler temps but can feel our long days fading and times at the park drawing to a close.
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