Yes, the due date is here, but is the baby? Not so much. I have not had any contractions and my appointment this morning confirmed that not much is going on. The baby's heart rate is down a little (136 instead of the usual 144) and my blood pressure is up a little (122/72 instead of the usual 100/70) but neither really means much and there are no other signs of progress. I'm taking it all in stride and remembering that the baby will come when it's ready, but I really hope I don't have to wait a whole week. I'm going in Friday morning for a stress test, but I wouldn't be induced until next Tuesday (unless the test says we should do something earlier). I still don't regret Friday being my last day at work as I'm not sure I could handle working full days this week and don't really want to be that far from the hospital because technically things could get moving at any time. So, for now I will be content getting more things in order in the house and praying for patience, even while wishing I were a patient.
I wish you were a patient also - I am excited to see what Baby Boone is - was really thinking baby was a girl - but now I am leaning towards a boy. Hmmm...I guess we'll all have to wait and see. :) Good luck with everything.
Thinking of you! Heart rate is exactly what this baby Boote boy has been running...therefore, I guess BOY! Baby Boy Boone!!! Good Luck!!!
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